Healing_Through_the_Arts.jpgHave you ever wondered about creative arts therapies such as music therapy, dance/movement therapy and art therapy and how they can help?  An article titled, Healing Through the Arts featured NeuroRhythm in the November 2013 edition of Colorado Parent Magazine. It not only highlights music therapy and what it can offer, but also other creative arts therapies such as dance/movment therapy and art therapy. Creative arts therapies are becoming more widely known. With articles such as this, those who still have some questions or might not have heard about these therapies can gain more information about what they are and how they can help loved ones with disabilities such as autism or medical conditions.

Do you know someone who is looking for more information about music therapy? Are you or someone you know looking for more information about creative arts therapies in general and how they can help individuals with developmental and neurological challenges such as autism or individuals with medical conditions? This article is a great place to start, with quick overviews of each creative arts therapy and a list of some websites for more information. And of course, if you want to know more about music therapy, feel free to contact us at NeuroRhythm through the contact tab on our website.

Healing Through The Arts article